Operational hassle? No, thank you!

Dependable delivery, smooth service, finished with a complete clean up

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Fooditude van
"We build a culture in our kitchen around the importance of good food and real ingredients. Chefs have the opportunity to get creative and advance their skills because everything we cook is from scratch"

Matt Byne, Director of Food, Fooditude


Catering for busy people

Sit back, relax and eat fabulous food.

The everything kitchen

Our kitchen in South Bermondsey has it all, and it’s only 2 miles away from London Bridge. Our kitchen has state-of-the-art equipment and the capability to feed thousands of people every day with a whole load of talented chefs. 

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Chefs working in a kitchen

Food temperature, juuust right

With only a short trip to your office, mixed in with a few ‘portable oven’ gadgets, your food arrives fresh and at the perfect temperature. Whether it’s a cool, crunchy salad in summer or a piping-hot stew in mid-winter, we deliver the food exactly as it should be. 

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Our foodie superstars

Our lovely recruitment team is always on the search for new talent to join the Fooditude ranks. We have signed the Social Mobility Pledge, meaning we seek out talent and help those with small networks establish careers in hospitality. The results? A truly committed group of people with a real passion for food and pride in what we do.

A chef handing a plate of food to a woman

Fighting food waste

Urgh, food waste. It hurts the soul to see good food and ingredients discarded. We work with our clients to share surplus meals with OLIO (the food sharing app) and we train our chefs to cook less wastefully, with a helping hand from Guardians of Grub. We also source surplus fruit and veg from a particularly innovative supplier, Angry Monk.

A large pile of vegetables
A table filled with a variety of food dishes

How we grew a media giants’ food programme from 25 to 300 in 8 months

Reasons to work with us

We're the movers and shakers

Back in 2005, some said quality office catering couldn't be done; all those years later, we're still providing clients with exceptional food in a reliable, cost-effective and flexible way.

Crystal clear communication

Our operations managers are committed to serving only a few clients each, and on-site catering managers keep the Fooditude team in the loop. The result? We take action quickly.

Convenience is key

Cooking your teams from a central production kitchen allows for all sorts of conveniences, from never worrying about on-site kitchen problems to dealing with fluctuating headcounts.

Keeping catering flexible

Because our kitchen is off-site, we remain agile. Reduce the lunch headcount by 100 on Monday? No problem! Want an extra 200 meals for breakfast on Thursday? Yep! We can do it.

Transparent pricing

Our accounts team seamlessly manages your catering, snack and drinks bill with one monthly invoice—nothing like simple, straightforward and stress-free accounting.

Sustainability matters

Catering comes with a negative environmental impact, and with the guidance of our sustainability manager, we work hard to make your meals as sustainable as possible.

Ice cream illustration

Get a free quote for your office catering needs

Book a meeting with us today! We aren’t a super salesy bunch, our catering experts will equip you with the info you need.